CS1 Design System

The CS1 Design System is accessed via CS1.Design. The design system uses themes ,sets of referencable properties, to provide a separation of concerns between designers and developers as well as to enable dynamic theme changes. The values of these properties can be of any type but are commonly colors , numeric dimensions, and asset urls. The CS1 Game Engine currently ships with 2 builtin themes: Pastel and Neon. These may or may not be the builtin themes at the time you read this article.

Themes can be added with CS1.Design.addTheme( name , theme ). Theme objects will be given a name key, if not included, that refers to the name you assign to the Theme. Registered themes are stored in CS1.Design.Themes. The current theme can be set using CS1.Design.setTheme(name), where name refers to a registered theme. Themes may also be added and set in one step with CS1.Design.setTheme(object) where the object defines the theme including a name:value pair.